Top Kart USA Partners With Vortex and Whiteland Raceway Park To Help Offer Engine Promotions And Other Incentives To Boost Local Market

Indianapolis based karting company Top Kart USA, North American Top Kart Distributor owned by the McLaughlin family has teamed up with Vortex Racing Engines and the new owners of Whiteland Raceway Park “America’s Oldest Kart Track since 1958”, Andy O’Gara and Sarah Fisher-O’Gara. The concept of the newly developed engine partnership is to help attract new and veteran racers that love 2-cycle engines another option that is user friendly and easily maintained. Both the Mini and VLR packages are a push-button start system with a very simple wiring harness. This technology no longer requires the need for remote starter application such as the Yamaha KT100. Also, as the engines are from factory CNC machined stock they are able to bolted on the kart and raced while being within a close tolerance of each other.

Bill McLaughlin Sr explains, “The need for all of the accessories and components in order to complete a Yamaha KT100 package anymore is quite expensive. Upwards of about 60% more expensive than the Vortex packages we are offering to the local market, it just doesn’t seem feasible anymore as the Italian manufactures are able to have a much better price point along with a more quality controlled engine platform.”

With the growing popularity in today’s national and regional karting markets of the electric start micro and mini classes this is a great segway class from Kid Kart for the 7 year olds looking to move up to the next level. The Micro class suited for ages 7-10 this is a rookie level cadet class as the mini rok engine has an exhaust restrictor to further slow it down. Utilizing the same engine package less the restrictor for the 10-12 year olds is known as the Mini class.

Yamaha KT100 piston port class structure is becoming a thing of the past. The 100cc reed electric start packages are a simple platform with about 20hp and rev 16,000 rpms. The VLR engine package has relatively zero clutch maintenance and not to mention, the is significantly quicker than the Yamaha KT100.

Top Kart USA is offering a Yamaha Trade-In promotion with purchase of the VLR100 cc engine package.

VLR100cc – Yamaha Trade In: $1700 $1400
– Bring your used Yamaha engine to trade.
– Must be in running condition
– Must Include Can and Carburetor.
*Package Price Includes Shipping

MICRO / MINI ROK Package: $1650 $1450 | *Limited Time Price Reduction*
*Package Price Includes Shipping

Whiteland Raceway Park owner Andy O’Gara explains, “As we continue to look toward the future of the sport and really explore where the various regional and national series are going, I think it is vital that we have a category locally with an affordable and quality product like Vortex has here at both a cadet, Jr, and Sr level. Sarah and I have had a lot of fun with the KT100 over the years but we sincerely believe this is the next step in the evolution of karting and we are happy to have Vortex provide that platform option for all at an affordable price!”

The Vortex packages can be purchased from either Top Kart USA or Whiteland Raceway Park directly.

Top Kart USA is also offering to anyone in the Vortex classes (KA100 Jr & Sr, Micro, and Mini Rok) if they win on a vortex engine, they will receive the next race entry FREE sponsored by Top Kart USA.

For questions and ordering for the Vortex engine packages and/or trade in program please contact and we will be happy to further assist you.